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What I Believe...


I believe we all have the capacity to heal ourselves. Each and every one of us at some point in our lives have witnessed the body's amazing healing capabilities, whether it was from a cut, a fracture, or even an infection.   I believe that you know your body better than anyone else, and that deep down, maybe you're questioning whether the key to being healthy really lies in our genetics, in avoiding environmental toxins, or in improving our dietary and lifestyle choices.  Perhaps the secrets to health lie within us and not something on the outside.


My story began as I held my 2 year old son in my arms as he was having a febrile seizure.  It was the longest and most helpless 30 seconds I've ever experienced.  The period that followed the seizure was a real low point in my life.  I was confused, overwhelmed and I felt like I failed as a father.   I thought we did everything we were supposed to do to raise a healthy family and yet there was no explanation why this happened.  I also felt embarrassed as a health practitioner. I mean, how was I supposed to help my patients get healthy if I couldn't even keep my own family healthy.


The days that followed my son's seizure were filled with confusion, anxiety and overwhelm.  I felt powerless and scared. But it was also during those dark times that I was presented with a moment of clarity, and I made a decision.  I decided that just because I didn't understand how this happened, it didn't mean that the answers weren't out there somewhere for me to find and uncover.  It's funny how motivated we can be to learn something new when our current understanding of how things work no longer apply. That was a turning point in my life as I became very inspired to learn as much as I could about health and healing, to challenge everything I was being taught, and to keep searching until something made sense for me. Maybe you're on a similar journey too.


It was on this path that I serendipitously came across a revolutionary health paradigm discovered by Dr. Hamer, known as German New Medicine or GNM. GNM is a complete scientific system that explains the cause, the development and the natural healing of diseases based on Five Biological Laws of Nature.  I finally found something that explained a lot of the things that could not be explained by my old health paradigm. Answers that are based on science, embryology, and human evolution.  Something just felt right to me about GNM.  My life changed once I truly took the time to learn, understand and embrace the Five Biological Laws.  I finally felt empowered and liberated from the fears that we all have about our health!


But, like any new perspective, I was faced with many challenges. I realized that not everyone wanted to hear about a different way of understanding their symptoms.  People just couldn't wrap their heads around it. They would say to me, "you're telling me that all the diseases and ailments in the world can be mapped out in the brain and are tied to unexpected conflict shocks that people subconsciously perceive in their lives? I don't buy it! It can't be that simple!"

Well, I'm here to tell you that it is that simple! It is not

necessarily easy to apply, but it is that simple!  The first step

is a willingness to see our symptoms and diseases differently.


That's really what I did. I didn't base my opinion on what

people said or what I read.  I decided I was going to

experience it for myself.  I started to implement the Five Biological Laws in my life first, and then

slowly in my practice.  It was really challenging at first, like any new skill. It takes practice, persistence, and patience especially because it's a whole new way of thinking about health.  But it didn't take long for me to start to learn how to identify conflicts, how to ask the right questions, how to make the connections, and then I started to see immediate results.  The more I observed the Five Biological Laws all around me, the more confidence  and certainty I had in the validity of the work, and the more it expanded my clinical practice.  People were amazed at how quickly they were getting relief and at how logical it was. Eventually they began to tell others.  Soon I had people from 35 countries watching my webinars, attending workshops and asking questions, in order to get a better understanding of this health paradigm. Patients began helping their own families and friends identify their conflicts.  People finally started to take control of their health!


I believe that you too can learn to implement the Five Biological Laws in your life, and once you get relief from your symptoms, it will change the way you live forever! I also believe that we are all just tired of being fearful and worried about our health or our family's health. I envision a future where we are no longer afraid about what we eat.  A future where we are not worried to shake someone's hand or hold a door handle without using a sanitizer.  I believe in a world where our children will no longer be afraid of any disease especially cancer, where they instead ask questions like "Daddy, what conflict causes lung cancer?" I foresee a future where patient-centred care really means that the patient is in charge. Where you are honoured as the expert of your body, and where therapeutic suggestions and recommendations are provided without fear, guilt or coercion. I believe that deep down we all have a craving to be in charge of our health, but we have never been given the opportunity. Well, I think the time has come!  The time for us to embrace a new health perspective is here! 


My job is to introduce you to this revolutionary health paradigm known as GNM.  To help you understand and observe the Five Biological Laws in your life, and to assist you in overcoming your physical and emotional symptoms by inspiring you to look within. To finally get you to take full responsibility for your health, to reconnect you with the essence of who you are, so you can trust your body and yourself again!  My role in any interaction, presentation and consultation is to present you with information about your health that will minimize your fears regarding your symptoms and that will empower you to feel in charge of your body and health.


My focus is the fusion of natural healing and personal growth.  I'm certain that the secret to health lies in your ability to be emotionally flexible and to be able change your perspective and expectation over any conflict in your life.  Once you are ready to look within, you will not only get symptom relief, but you will also continue to grow, evolve and elevate yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.


I believe in your ability to heal yourself!



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